2009년 4월 19일 일요일

Exploration can create Conflict and Misunderstanding

Exploration is the act of searching or traveling a terrain for the purpose of discovery. In many countries they want to show off their bravery and to develop their society, they send explorer to the ocean. Once they discovered new land and new people, it brings money and many natural resources. Natural resources make their country’s society to grow bigger and rich. However exploration can create conflict and misunderstanding with the first nation people in new land, because of difference between their cultures. Also misunderstanding of natural resources.

Exploration might create a conflict because of difference between their cultures. For example, when John Cabot first arrived at the Newfoundland. First nation people might shock at their appearance and stuffs they have. Some nation people might think that they came because they want to kill them all. Their language is different so they cannot communicate with each other, only in body language. Some ambitious explorer might just have fight with first nation people and kill them all and get what he wanted. Another example is explorers are trying to teach them their language and their technology such as use chopsticks to eat, build a stone house. But First nation people might wonder why they should learn these things. They might refuse them because they think there is no necessity for learning that things. It might cause a big conflict.

Exploration is really impotent to countries because in the new land, there might have lots of natural resources like Africa, but it is cause of misunderstanding to each other. For example, explorer arrived in a new land and there are many natural resources such as gold, oil… They might want to exchange some food with natural resources. First nation people might misunderstand that explorers are not trying to exchange but to take it from them. First nation people will get them away from their place.

All in all, exploration can create conflict and misunderstanding, because of difference between their cultures. Also misunderstanding of natural resources. It is important to discover a new land, but it is more important that have a good communication with the person who lived in there before. There are lots of way to explore without conflict and misunderstanding. That is depending on their own.

댓글 3개:

  1. You are missing "Exploration is important for a country" essay. I can't find it so I can't mark it.

  2. Focus 3/4
    Content 3/4
    Organization 3/4
    Usage 3/4
    Style 2.5/4 You need to keep a formal voice. Don't sound like you are talking. Use different ways to begin your sentences. Try to make it more interesting to read and less like a formula.

    Overall, thank you for finishing your first essay on exploration.

    14.5/20x2 - 29/40

  3. Still missing one essay.

    "Exploration is important for a country" essay

