2009년 3월 19일 목요일

literary essay

Intro- Introductoin to all the audiences, the modern bravest men and the Middle Ages bravest men. The protagonist of “The Sniper” an inquisitive person, the sniper of Repulicans. And here is the bravest knight of Middle Ages, protagonist of “Sir. Gawain and The Green Knight” The knight of Round Table Sir.Gawain. These two protagonists have a common, they are brave and do not afraid of death.

LP1-In the story “Sir.Gawain and the Gren Knight” Sir Gawain is a brave protagonist who is true to his promise by keeping his promise to the Green Knight and shows his bravery to the King by broke the silence. Sir.Gawain is a brave chracter, he is a Person who can protect the King and show his bravery to the King. For example, he said “No one laughs at the Knights of the Round Table. Hand me that axe, and I will strike your laughing head from your body” When the Green Knight laughed at Knights of Round Table and King Arthur, Sir.Gawain stepped forward and against the Green Knight. Hence , Sir.Gawain is the first person who broke the silence and wanted to take Green Knight’s life. This means that Sir.Gawain is the most brave knight in the Knight of Round Table. He has loyalty to KingArthur. Sir.Gawain is a person who is trustworthy. He is the person with trustworthy. For instance, he said “ I do not want to die. I want to live! But still I must go to the Green Castle.” When distress happens to him, he overcome the difficulty and muddle through the bitters of life. He kept the promise to the Green Knight. In essence, he is the person who cares about a promise and wahtever happens to him, he is always trying to keepthe promise with epople. accordingly, he is the person who is trustworhy and brave. Whatever happens to him, he is always there for King Arthur. Whatever happens to him, he is trying his best to keep the promise to the othetrs. He is a brave and trustful character.

LP2- In the story "The Sniper" the protagonist is a person who is not afraid of death and have many curious. He shows his bravery by smoking during the war. He also shows that he is an inquisitive person by check the dead body of enemy. He is a brave person who not afraid of death. For example, "He paused for a moment, considering whether he should risk a smoke. It was dangerous. The flash might be seen in the darkness, and there were enimies wathing. He decided to take the risk. However, finally he is discovered by the enemy. Hence, he is a brave character. He knows that he cannot smoke during the war, but he doesn't care about it. He knows that the enemy might find him but he smokes. This prove that he is brave. He is a person who has a lot of curiosity. As an illustration, "He decided that he was a good shot, whoever he was. He wondered did he know him. Perhaps he had been in his own company before the split in the army. He dicided to risk going over to look at him" Thus, heis a curious person. Although it is dangerous , and he it is dangerous, he dicides to see who wasit. as a result, he is brave and person who has lot of curiosity.


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